09425061749 info@ch-india.com

Why Apti for XI @ CHEM


– India’s first dedicated course on ‘aptitude development’ for XI-graders

– Scientifically Designed course structure
– Best foundation for aptitude-based exams
– Topic-wise tests
– Term-end evaluation exam
– Personal mentoring
– Regular doubt sessions

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AFXI Course Structure

Offline – Online


During class XI (Foundation)

  • Basic concepts of QA, VA-RC, Vocab, LR, DI & GA
  • Improved reading skills, vocab and comprehension
  • Enriched tact, techniques & tricks to solve QA-DI-LR
  • Topic-wise tests
  • Upto Dec '24*
  • Batches available -  3 days a week x 2 Hrs OR Weekend 2 days a week x 2 Hrs | ONLINE and OFFLINE
  • Regular doubt solving
  • Term end evaluation exam

Best Aptitude Coaching In India

CH EdgeMakers, one of the Biggest and Oldest CAT/MBA entrance exam prep coaching of Central India!

With over 26 years of experience in mentoring students for various entrance exams like CAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT, CMAT, IPM-AT, SET, NPAT we have given TOP RESULTS ALWAYS!

We have launched Apti for XI to build foundation of aptitude in school students. Aptitude is pre-requisite for several exams such as:
– after-12th exams like IIM-IPMAT, JIPMAT,  NPAT, CUET, SET, NCHMCT, UCEED, CLAT, AILET and SAT.

– in future entrance-exams like CAT, XAT, SNAP, CMAT, GRE, GMAT, GATE, UPSC, CDS, IBPS, Bank PO & Recruitment Tests.

It also helps in developing mental ability by improving structured problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, information processing, reading habits, awareness and comprehension.

We offer Apti for XI in both online and classroom/offline mode.

Since 1997, we have been providing comprehensive solutions for various training needs of students, professionals and educational institutes (colleges and universities). Our institute has trained more than 2 lac students through its result-oriented training programmes. Our methodology of Aim-Learn-Achieve provides students with a clear path to work towards achieving their goals.

With our creditable founding-members, richly experienced faculty-team, ever-evolving intellectual capital and unparalleled track-record, we have been a brand of choice among coaching institutes in Indore.

Why Choose Us?

Student-First Motto

With multiple touch-points, we champion student-centricity through doubt-solving, revision, counseling and support


With 20+ proficient faculties - including IIM alumni & 99 percentilers - we have a strong team of highly regarded mentors


With legacy of 25+ years, we are known for giving top results in all major aptitude-based entrance exams year after year

Contemporary Learning-resources

With well-researched study-material, we also have IT-enabled
ecosystem for online learning

Personalized Approach

With limited batch-size and assigned batch-mentors, we have a culture of accessibility and personal attention


With well-defined course structure, we take a student from ‘A to Z’ of their
prep-path in a phase-wise manner







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